Parenting Blog
A Parenting Blog from our founders and community of early childhood professionals.
Our Parenting Blogs helps you stay current with the latest thinking from experts on diet, nutrition, parenting issues, and more.
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The rundown on meltdowns
Every person is different, so it is impossible to say if someone will continue to have meltdowns throughout their life. My son is 14,
5 Sneaky Signs of Burnout
Burnout has traditionally been seen in the workplace, but it can occur in areas where you’re overexerting energy. Sometimes the signs of burnout are subtle
Preparing for an IEP?
Preparing for an IEP can be a stressful time for a parent. Here are some key questions parents ask about preparing for their child’s IEP.
Everything you need to know about meltdowns
The diverse team of neurologists, behavior therapists, occupational therapists and speech therapists at KidsLink Neurobehavioral Center provide simple explanations on everything related to behavior issues (also referred to as autistic meltdowns or tantrums) in children with autism.
Food and ADHD
It was not until I became a little boy’s mother that I discovered the strong correlation between food and ADHD / hyperactivity. I did not
IEP Meeting and Prior Written Notice: Know Your Rights
Parents dread IEP meetings and often do not know how to prepare and advocate for the best interests of their children. Parent expert Suzanne shares a very important strategy and secret weapon in creating a paper trail the Prior Written Notice, provided by the school and protected by the IDEA law.
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